AHCC specific mushrooms extract micro capsules from Japan

An offensive unit that can't find cancer

If cancer antigen and HLA antigen make a couple and appear on the surface of cancer cells, the macrophage finds the "enemy" and attacks the cancer. But it has a big problem.

HLA antigen appears when cells are normal, but if a cell becomes cancerous, cancer antigens will appear and HLA antigens will disappear. That's why the macrophage can't recognize a cancer antigen as an "enemy". The macrophage passes by cancer, because the macrophage can't find cancer although cancer appears. The cancer cells escape from the macrophage in this way, and increase furiously and damage the human body.

The macrophage has to find a cancer antigen that does not pass by cancer. Therefore, cancer antigens and HLA antigen have to appear simultaneously. Fortunately, we found that TNF-alpha, Interferon-gamma and Interleukin 12 act on it. And if cancer antigens appear when TNF-alpha and Interferon-gamma are put on materials for operations, we can judge if the immunity treatment is effective or not. So we've been looking for an effective treatment for cancer, but we couldn't continue it, because this research needs a big budget. Eventually, we found AHCC even though our budget was threatened.

The progress of cancer stopped
by independently prescribed AHCC!

The patient who used AHCC first had peritonitis carcinomatosa and his abdomen was spotted with cancer.

At first, it was found as an early gastric cancer, so he had an operation at Kanazawa Cancer Center, but he had a relapse one and half years after that in Tokyo.

He has had diarrhea, so he had an endoscopy at MITAKA Central Hospital, and more than one hundred polyps were found. After tissue investigation, a malignant tumor called a signet ring cell was found all over his large intestine.

Nobody knew this disease in MITAKA Central Hospital, so they inquired of the late Dr.MIKIKO ONO (specialist of endoscopy representative in Japan) in KYORIN Medical University. Dr. ONO brought the photo to me in confusion. She used to visit me to discuss any special diseases she found in the large intestine.

I was surprised when I saw the photo, and said, "I have never seen a cancer like this. This is the first disease of its type in the world!"

I wanted to search the condition of his disease minutely, so he was admitted to my hospital and I examined his large intestine and bladder. Not only the large intestine, but also the whole abdomen was invaded by cancer. He told me that he had an operation for early cancer of stomach one and a half years before so I recognized that his stomach cancer had spread.

The cancer metastasized to his whole body. I found an implantation like dark wrinkles on the skin of his head, face, arms and legs. His stomach was hard.

He told me that he was suffering from constipation, so I operated on his abdomen. It was a den of cancer. But I searched his abdomen thoroughly and I found three 50cm useful pieces of bowel in it. I connected them and made an artificial anus, so that he could drink water and have a liquid diet.

But that was the limit. I guessed that the remainder of his life was one month, because he couldn't eat any meals and couldn't leave hospital.

So I tried to give AHCC to him. I knew that AHCC was a mushroom but I wasn't sure if it was effective or not. I was only sure that it had no side effects.

I said to his family, "I have AHCC but I've never used it before. Can I try to give it to him, because I've heard that it has no side effects?"

His family trusted me and said, "Please do it."

So I began to give AHCC to him. And AHCC was more powerful than I expected for he recovered, was able to eat meals, and left hospital in one month's time.

I judged that he must have wanted to live normally even for a few months, so I let him leave hospital although he was not well. Of course he looked better, but actually he has a hippocratic facies which is a particular complexion of the terminal cancer patient.

But one month after that, he said, "I want to resume my work." He was a certified public accountant, but I firmly refused his request. But he didn't give up, so I suggested him to trial work only but he returned to his job completely. Thus he had worked hard for 1 year and a half. He had been coming to hospital to take AHCC.

Finally he didn't appear, so I telephoned his house. His family answered the phone and said, "He died at our house with no pain and with a peaceful face. We intended to inform you after we were calm ourselves. He was very pleased that he could work owing to AHCC."

His cancer didn't decrease or increase, it remained the same size, but he got to have a good appetite, feel well, had no pain and worked again, so I could recognize that the progress of his cancer had stopped completely. If the body doesn't have immunity, the cancer will progress. In this case, his cancer had stopped so we can recognize that AHCC had a marvelous effect. When I saw this case with my own eyes, I thought, "It is no trivial matter."

The cancer disappeared completely
by independently prescribed AHCC!

The second patient had thyroid gland cancer and its undifferentiated carcinoma had infiltrated into his trachea and had appeared on the mucous membrane of histrachea. He had bloody sputum and dyspnea. Radiation and anti-cancer drugs had no effect on him.

But his cancer had disappeared completely by independently prescribed AHCC.

I will explain about that.

In 1988 he had a 1cm tumor in his right neck but he left it alone.

But in December 1993, his tumor became 5X3cm in size. I used an endoscope and could recognize that the mucous membrane of the trachea had turned red and bled. And he couldn't eat anything because of his cancer.

On the 3rd of February 1994, he had an extirpation of his thyroid gland but his cancer still remained. Undifferentiated carcinoma is malignant cancer and increases in a short time. Also in the case of this patient, his cancer became big again 6 months after the operation.

On September 6 1994, he had cobalt-60 treatment but it was not effective at all. So he had to have an operation again, which I did on 11 December 1994.

Independently prescribed AHCC was started simultaneously. The dosage was 1.2g per day, which means that it's rather less than the present dosage.

AHCC displayed a strong anti-tumor effect and attacked the cancer cells. His tumor had disappeared completely in June 1995, 6 months after starting the immunity treatment. He thought " Wonderful!" so he began to set about using AHCCin earnest. This patient has no disorder and is getting along very well now.